
luni, 31 iulie 2017

It would be Bessarabia

It would be Bessarabia. On Saturday I was at a vernissage dedicated to Bessarabia. Let me not praise you and tell you that the director of the County Museum of Ethnography Braşov asked me for the help in question. Of course I helped her. with pleasure. Yesterday I was watching the protests. Today I went to the library. When I leave the library, a lady stops me. He tells me that he heard me and he saw me at the library and liked how I talk about the problem of the brethren across the Prut. She told me that she was from Chisinau, but she moved for about 20 years in Romania told me that she was a faculty colleague with Ion Aldea-Teodorovici. Eeeehhhhh !!!!! Here the level of discussion has changed. She told me that during the proclamation of Independence she was a reporter on state television. The fact was that a young man would come to join the library. Surprise !!! The young woman is coming ....... from Chisinau. We established, in a joke, a group of those coming from Bessarabia, but also passionate about the problem of Bessarabia, to meet at the library.

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