
duminică, 20 februarie 2022

Programul de azi

 Programul  de  azi  al  Bisericii  Baptiste  Speranța.  Dați  click aici

marți, 15 februarie 2022

Vladimir Putin has seen his dream come true

 I look closely at what is happening in Ukraine. I don't know if the Russian army is even withdrawing from the border with Ukraine, or if it's just a scenario where they want to distract us and then attack by force. What is certain is that Vladimir Putin has seen his dream come true. He managed to demean the great leaders of the democratic world. He made them pray for him. An image shot inside and out. Internally, it has gained popularity, and externally it has instilled fear in people and shown that it is a country whose views we must take into account.

luni, 14 februarie 2022

Why don't I celebrate Valentine's Day?

 First of all, because I'm alone and I have no one with me. Secondly, I don't think it takes a day to celebrate love. Love must be celebrated daily. We in Romania have Dragobete which is on February 24th.

joi, 10 februarie 2022

Jehovah's Witnesses - Religion or Business?

 I want to tell you that Jehovah's Witnesses are a heretical sect that has severely deviated from Bible teachings. Today, looking for something on, I wanted to see if there was anything related to this sect and I wrote in search on Amazon. Surprise ! Jehovah's Witnesses sell a lot of things. Mugs, T-shirts, blouses, pens. All with the symbol This is clearly business, not faith. Does God love such a thing? Of course not.

marți, 8 februarie 2022

Ukraine - a danger that no one thinks about

 The conflict in Ukraine is a regional danger. But it can turn into a global danger. I kept reading how the Russians merged troops on the Belarusian border with Ukraine. I was horrified. Because there is a danger that I see that no one globally notices. It's about Chernobyl. What do we do if they attack in that region? Are we going to witness a new nuclear accident? World leaders should think seriously about this.

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2022

Ghid turistic pentru ruși

Ghid turistic pentru ruși
( acest text e un pamflet și trebuie tratat ca atare)
Dragi turiști ruși, dacă doriți să veniți la Brașov, cu tancurile, să nu veniți pe DN1. O să stați mult la Comarnic. Asta pentru că noi nu prea avem autostrăzi, dar nici nu cred că aveți nevoie de așa ceva pentru tancuri. Așa - că luați-o pe DN1A ( Vălenii de Munte- Săcele). Aveți grijă însă la Barajul de acumulare Tărlung. Să nu cumva să îl dați în aer. Nu de alta, dar noi bem apă, nu vodkă. Când ajungeți pe varianta Săcelelui, la LIDL, să dați un semn ca să ies să vă fac niște poze. Vedeți voi după aceea cum treceți peste sensul giratoriu. Dacă mă gândesc însă mai bine, stați acasă la voi în Rusia. Cu tot cu tancuri.


marți, 25 ianuarie 2022

Is the European Union afraid of Russia?

 I have listened to what Mr Macron and Mr Scholz have said and they have given me the impression that the European Union, on the situation in Ukraine, is playing at two ends. That's because Germany is dependent on Russian gas.

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2022

Redefinirea Rugăciunii 2 - Să fie lumină!


Who should retire?

Russia says NATO should withdraw from Romania and Bulgaria. If they keep talking about withdrawal, why don't they withdraw from Transnistria (Moldova), Abkhazia and South Ossetia (Georgia)? It would be good for them to set an example first. They promised at the 1999 OSCE Summit in Istanbul that they would withdraw from the Transnistrian region. Did they do that? Of course not ! 

joi, 20 ianuarie 2022

Joe Biden after his first year in office as president

 Joe Biden is an experienced politician, but a very weak president. He makes a lot of mistakes. Withdrawal from Afghanistan is a catastrophe that will cost Biden a lot. What Putin is doing in Ukraine now is because he has a very weak president in Washington. A good president for America would be a combination of Trump's toughness and Biden's political experience.