
duminică, 30 iunie 2019

Donald Trump's visit to North Korea

Donald Trump's visit to North Korea is truly historic. Trump proves to be a courageous president. The only problem is if we see positive results for the United States.That's because the North Korean leader has great talent to lie. It tells lies to Donald Trump. Kim Jong Un only pursues his personal interest.

sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2019

Donald Trump - the new pet dog of Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump is Putin's new pet. That's what we all can see. Trump stands in front of Putin as an animal in front of his master. It is clear that Trump divinizes Putin.Putin, a very experienced politician, takes advantage of Trump's weaknesses in making his political games. Vladimir Putin hoped that Trump would be a leader as strong as he. He was wrong. Trump is a good businessman, but a bad politician. In the field of foreign policy it turns out to be a great disaster. The problem is that the Americans will pay for Trump's shit.

joi, 27 iunie 2019

Donald Trump - "Moral Assassin" of the two people.

It is very sad what is happening now in the United States. It is sad that people die because of a politician who happens to be the country's president.Trump destroys the American dream. How many people will still have to die like Trump to understand that he is wrong? Sad is the fact that for the political mistakes made by Trump, they will pay all the inhabitants of the United States. The point is that Trump is an immigrant nephew and married to an immigrant woman. Melania Trump is an immigrant.

sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2019

Türkiye - artık demokrasinin olmadığı ülke

İlk olarak, hatalar için özür dilemek istiyorum. Bu makale Google Translate ile çevrilmiştir. Türkçe konuşmuyorum. Türkiye artık demokratik bir ülke değil. Erdoğan diktatörlüğü tanıttı. Sadece Erdoğan gibi bir diktatör seçtiği adayı kazanmadığı için seçimi iptal edebilir.Fakat bu durumda yalnız olmadığınızı bilin. Aynısı geçen yıl Moldova Cumhuriyeti'nde de oldu. Diktatör Plahotniuc'un rakibi Andrei Năstase, Moldova Cumhuriyeti'nin başkenti belediye başkanı için genel seçimleri kazandı. Plahotniuc seçimleri iptal etti ve geçici bir belediye başkanı atadı. Plahotniuc'a ne oldu? Güçten çekildi ve ülkeden kaçtı. Moldova medyası Plahotniuc'in Türkiye'ye kaçtığını bildirdi. Plahotniuc’un Erdoğan’la iyi bir arkadaş olduğunu söylemeyi unuttum.

من سيمنع ترامب من مهاجمة إيران؟

الوضع العالمي يزداد سوءًا. أصبحت علامات الحرب بين الولايات المتحدة وإيران أكثر وضوحًا. هذا يدل على أن دونالد ترامب ليس رئيسًا دبلوماسيًا. ترامب ليس لديه فكرة عن السياسة الخارجية والدبلوماسية. يمكن لأعمال ترامب أن تقود أمريكا إلى كارثة. من الواضح أن إيران ، في حالة تعرضها للهجوم ، سيكون لها حلفاء أقوياء. وأشير هنا بشكل خاص إلى الدول العربية وروسيا. حذر فلاديمير بوتين دونالد ترامب. إذا استمع ترامب إلى هذه الانفجارات وقتل إيان ، وأخشى أن ترامب قادر على ذلك ، فلا يمكن لأحد أن يعرف ما
     لأنها يمكن أن تتحول إلى حرب عالمية جديدة.سيحدث في هذا العالم.

Anrish Puri

Respect for what Google does. Google knows to respect and promote the great personalities. Amrish Puri was one of the biggest actors in India. A great personality of Indian cinema.

vineri, 21 iunie 2019

Who will stop Trump from attacking Iran?

The situation globally is getting worse. The signs of a war between the US and Iran are becoming clearer.This shows that Donald Trump is not a diplomatic president. Trump has no idea of foreign policy and diplomacy. Trump's actions can lead America to a disaster.It is clear that Iran, in the case to be attacked, will have strong allies. I refer here in particular to the Arab countries and Russia. Vladmir Putin has already warned Donald Trump. If Trump listens to these bangs and kills Ian, and I'm afraid that Trump is capable of that, then no one can know what's going to happen in this world. Because it could degenerate into a new world war.

Paul Szász Sebeș