
vineri, 14 decembrie 2018

Românii nu înțeleg Ungaria

Românii nu înțeleg Ungaria. Am văzut că unii se bucură că sunt proteste la Budapesta. OK ! E problema lor. Ceea ce ar trebui să înțelegm e faptul că nu contează dacă pică Viktor Orban . Indiferent cine este la putere în Ungaria, politica lor externă( mai ales în privința comunităților ungurești din jurul Ungariei) nu se schimbă. Ei au un țel pe care îl urmăresc. Acest lucru ar trebui să îl învățăm de la unguri. Asta e valabil și pentru Rusia. Cele două se aseamănă mult. România nici măcar un proiect privind comunitățile românești din jurul României. Eu am scris un editorial, care încă nu a fost publicat nicăieri( pentru că presa românească nu e interesată să îl publice) despre cum o să pierdem Republica Moldova cu banii noștri. I-am trimis acest editorial și domnului Cartianu. Nimeni de la București nu dorește să îl publice,.

duminică, 11 noiembrie 2018

My experience with Jehovah's Witnesses

 It all started two years ago. Immediately after my dad died.Jehovah's Witnesses came to us. The first time I did not want to receive them. They took advantage of our pain and began to manipulate us.I gave up harder. My mom succumbed immediately.
Everything seemed perfect. We have started a Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses. Then we started to go to the Kingdom Hall. Then I started to see the misery of this organization. I started to see their true face.
I started to see that everything is a lie. A big lie. But I was silent. Discontents were gathering. I say that I am not baptized at Jehovah's Witnesses. At one point I could not take it any longer. I quarreled with them.My mom and I decided not to go to them anymore. The mother gave up, after a few weeks, and resumed meetings with Jehovah's Witnesses.
 Jehovah's Witnesses brought me to the threshold of suicide. They made psychological pressure on me. They called me all the time. I made a nervous breakdown.Now, after the mother resumed meetings with them, Jehovah's Witnesses began to convince my mother to take me out of the house. They want to take revenge on me and divide our family.
Paul Szasz  Sebeș from Romania

miercuri, 15 august 2018

Picture from Romania

Picture from Romania. A dead cat, put into rot, on a street in Romania.

sâmbătă, 19 mai 2018

How simple is Meghan Markle

How simple is Meghan Markle. Our girls, on both sides of the Prut, when married, dress like you say they are the princesses of the unviers. In reality, they are just simple girls.