
sâmbătă, 14 octombrie 2017

An important visit to Dodon only

Dodon is back in Russia. It's like it's a novelty! Will it be in Bucharest and Kiev when it's going to go? He and his socialists consider this to be a great victory. The news is widely publicized by the Dodon press in Chisinau.
It is a great joy for the socialists.
       What is reality? The reality is that the Russian press did not even talk about it. In Russia, we know there is no independent press. That means Dodon does not matter to Putin. Putin just uses it. This visit is important only to Dodon. The truth is that nothing has changed since Dodon's visits to Moscow. The embargo was not lifted.

sâmbătă, 7 octombrie 2017

Noi suntem români

Noi suntem români ! Din păcate noi suntem români ! Simona Halep a devenit azi numărul 1 mondial. Sunt mândru ! Din păcate nu sunt mândru cu unii dintre români. Am citit niște postări pe facebook de toată jena. Scria cum că Halep ar fi făcut blat cu chinezii. Că n-a avut concurență puternică. Voi cine sunteți mă ? De voi n-a auzit nici dracu !!! Ce ați realizat voi mă în viață ? Nu degeaba e bancul ăla cu românii în cazanul din iad. Mă simt mândru cu Halep, dar cu voi mi-e scârbă !

miercuri, 4 octombrie 2017

I have learned that in life I have to wait for reward only from God.

I have learned that in life I have to wait for reward only from God. Not from people. That's because people forget the good done. With a few small exceptions. I have already experienced many disappointments in this respect. Cases of people, and from Chisinau, for whom I struggled to get better. Not only did they not thank me, they turned my back on me and they also spoke words of reproach. Many people have arrived where they came through me. The problem is they have forgotten where they left and who helped them. The better I know people, the more animals they love. But it is a Romanian proverb that says the wheel is round. I invite them to enjoy being up and thank God for showing their true hideous face.

marți, 3 octombrie 2017

Dragnea + Plahotniuc = Love

Dragnea + Plahotniuc = Love! However, Plahotniuc is guarded by bodyguards. Dragnea is guarded by the underworld. A journalist beaten by Dragnea's interlopes And is this a big boss through Parliament and the head of the PSD? If I were a PSD member, I was shaking my head in shame. I admit that a few years ago I received the proposal to enter the PSD. I have clearly said that I have withdrawn from politics.

luni, 2 octombrie 2017

In Catalonia they opened the Pandora's Box.

In Catalonia they opened the Pandora's Box. The big mistake of the European Union is that it is vehemently opposed. Why is it a mistake? Because that's what Russia benefits from. Russian propaganda will show that there is no democracy in the European Union Now what next? Scotland does not want to leave the European Union. They voted against Brexit. Germany has little trouble with Bavaria. Those from there do not want to have immigrants. Here, in Transylvania, Romania, there are some who would like to see a conflict between the Romanians and the Hungarians. We have the Republic of Moldova near us. There is a region called Gagauzia. Another troubled region.

The real reason for Candu's visit to Bucharest

Andrian Candu visited Romania. It is a good thing. But this shows that the current government in Chisinau is playing on several heads. That's what I mean directly to Plahotniuc. He just wants to take advantage.
    Candu apologized for the statements made by Dodon. This means that Plahotniuc wanted to make sure that Romania is not upset.
Why ? Because Romania has sent a lot of money to the Republic of Moldova. Perhaps Plahotniuc wants to steal money. Plahotniuc's fear is that Dodon's statements do not break his plans. That is why I say that the power in Chisinau has two. faces. One is west. The other is east.

duminică, 1 octombrie 2017

Do you wonder ?

Ludovic Orban said today that the Bucharest government is trying to imitate Plahotniuc. Do you wonder? Plahotniuc, at the socialist international level, is Dragnea's superior!

A success of the Catalan

A success of the Catalan referendum would mean the possibility of repeating the scenario in Transylvania. For a year I still say that Russia is playing stronger in Romania. I was the first to say that the PSD will win the election. How did I know? I looked at the elections around Romania. Including Dodon's choice. No one believed me. No one ever believed me then. I told you before, and I told you how you can see Russia's opinion-makers. Patriarch Cyril comes next. Now is the change of the President of Romania. The truth behind the suspension attempt is that only foreign policy no longer controls them. They need a foreign policy for Moscow. A victory in Catalonia will give hope to some of Transylvania. Do not be surprised if they will also be Romanians.