marți, 26 decembrie 2017
Declar oficial că m-am săturat!
Gata !!!!!!!!! Declar oficial că m-am săturat! M-am săturat să fiu
cârpa fetelor. Sunt și eu ființă umană și am și eu sentimente. Tot
timpul le-am ajutat pe toate fetele. Am vrut să fie bine. Toate m-au
folosit ca pe o cârpă care apoi au aruncat-o la gunoi. Nici măcar un
mulțumesc nu au spus. Oare ce vină am eu că m-am născut cu handicap ?
Fetelor le este rușine să se afișeze alături de mine. Parcă aș fi o
sperietoare. Toate se comportă la fel. Cu ce am greșit în fața lui
Dumnezeu ca să fiu tratat așa. Sunt serios. Nu beau și nu fumez. Sar
oricând să ajut pe toată lumea. Oare nu merit și eu ceva ? Multe dintre
fete au ajuns în posturi importante datorită mie Vă spun sincer că nu
îmi doresc decât faimă internațională. Să le fiu superior ca să mă pot
răzbuna. Să vadă și ele cum e să fii folosit ca o cârpă.
duminică, 17 decembrie 2017
joi, 7 decembrie 2017
Trump made a great mistake about Jerusalem.
Trump made a great mistake about Jerusalem. His decision will lead to a new war. It is clear that Trump is not good as president.It must be dismissed.
It must be dismissed.,
marți, 5 decembrie 2017
I want a satellite antenna !
I want a satellite antenna !!!! I'm tired of the cable companies and the Romanian televisions. TVR has broadcast the common evening program on all channels. For what ? Due to this decision, the Chisinau Tele-Journal did not broadcast on TVR 3. Not to mention that absolutely nothing is said about the revolt in Ukraine. For the first time I regret that I do not have Russia Today on cable.
luni, 4 decembrie 2017
Package from Moldova
duminică, 3 decembrie 2017
vineri, 1 decembrie 2017
Does Moldova want to escape
This piece of land had the misfortune to be more under Russian occupation. Fate did so. That also affected people's mentality. We do not have to judge them for that. The Republic of Moldova, even though it proclaimed its independence in 1991, did not come out of the sphere of Russian influence.
They had some attempts. Russia's responses were tough.
I refer in particular to the war on the Dniester. There is an occupying army. In the form of "peacekeepers"
Negotiations are being made to resolve the conflict peacefully. The results are nothing more than a series of disposals from Chisinau. In whose favor? In favor of those in Tiraspol and, indirectly, Russia.
I was surprised by the movement made by Moldova a few months ago. They asked the UN to discuss the withdrawal of Russian troops. I thought it was an act of Courage. In reality, it's nothing but a masquerade. They withdrew the request a few days ago. A return to the proposal will only be possible in a few years. This denotes that Moldovan politicians do not want Moldova to escape Russia's sphere of influence. All the time I'm thinking in the mind of the end of the play, "Let's do that to your head! of Gheorghe Urschi. God give the master the health!
They had some attempts. Russia's responses were tough.
I refer in particular to the war on the Dniester. There is an occupying army. In the form of "peacekeepers"
Negotiations are being made to resolve the conflict peacefully. The results are nothing more than a series of disposals from Chisinau. In whose favor? In favor of those in Tiraspol and, indirectly, Russia.
I was surprised by the movement made by Moldova a few months ago. They asked the UN to discuss the withdrawal of Russian troops. I thought it was an act of Courage. In reality, it's nothing but a masquerade. They withdrew the request a few days ago. A return to the proposal will only be possible in a few years. This denotes that Moldovan politicians do not want Moldova to escape Russia's sphere of influence. All the time I'm thinking in the mind of the end of the play, "Let's do that to your head! of Gheorghe Urschi. God give the master the health!
joi, 30 noiembrie 2017
Romania is a big madhouse
Romania is a big madhouse. The problem is that this hospital has no doctors. You should enter the country to write, "Welcome to Madness Hospital". I knew that until now, the main occupation of this people was the puppet of relics. Irrigation? We do not need this! We bring an icon to the field and pray for it. Now I saw how our Romanians went to Oana Zavoranu's clothes. They stood at the reek of relics. I have come to the conclusion that this people will never heal again. We deserve the fate and leaders we have.
luni, 27 noiembrie 2017
What about this world?
What about this world? We're getting poorer. The actress Cristina Stamate died. Values die. What a pity Iliescu feels good about. He does not give any sign to give the corner.
duminică, 26 noiembrie 2017
The truth about Nicolae Dabija's project.
The truth about Nicolae Dabija's project.
I spent a lot of time wondering if I should write the truth. I do this in memory of the late Lorin Fortuna. I'm doing it for the world to know the truth. It had been a while since his grandmother died. I have the impression one year after. I'm calling Lorin Fortuna. His eternal "I salute you, sir!" That's despite the big difference in age. She could be my grandfather. A real fighter. Those who met him can confirm. He tells me that he has a project on the union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania and that he wants to analyze it myself. He knew I had public editorials on the subject and demanded my opinion as an expert. I had the material on the mail and I told her where it was wrong and what to correct. That's how the final version came out. I also sent the material where I could. It's also published on a site. He also sent the material to many. One of the people who received the material is Nicolae Dabija. Within a few months I see the material in Flacara magazine. Surprise !!!!!!!!! Author, Nicolae Dabija. Nothing about us! He boasted that he presented his wonderful plan to Timofti. I mean, in the original material I also appear among the authors. Though I did not do much. That's the truth about Dabija's plan.
I spent a lot of time wondering if I should write the truth. I do this in memory of the late Lorin Fortuna. I'm doing it for the world to know the truth. It had been a while since his grandmother died. I have the impression one year after. I'm calling Lorin Fortuna. His eternal "I salute you, sir!" That's despite the big difference in age. She could be my grandfather. A real fighter. Those who met him can confirm. He tells me that he has a project on the union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania and that he wants to analyze it myself. He knew I had public editorials on the subject and demanded my opinion as an expert. I had the material on the mail and I told her where it was wrong and what to correct. That's how the final version came out. I also sent the material where I could. It's also published on a site. He also sent the material to many. One of the people who received the material is Nicolae Dabija. Within a few months I see the material in Flacara magazine. Surprise !!!!!!!!! Author, Nicolae Dabija. Nothing about us! He boasted that he presented his wonderful plan to Timofti. I mean, in the original material I also appear among the authors. Though I did not do much. That's the truth about Dabija's plan.
sâmbătă, 25 noiembrie 2017
What kind of nation are we?
Even Stela Popescu did not die well, that the televisions are already talking about who will put her hand on her inheritance. What kind of nation are we? We really can not be normal people at the head? I think instead of a mega-cathedral we should make a mega-hospital of madmen.
Nothing Christian is no longer on the Christmas holiday.
Nothing Christian is no longer on the Christmas holiday. Everything is commercial The main character is Santa Claus. No one talks about Jesus or God anymore. Everybody walks after decorations and gifts. It's like a group of friends celebrate your birthday, but they do not care about you. They do not even mention you. But they say they celebrate your birthday.
vineri, 24 noiembrie 2017
Who controls TVR?
Who controls TVR? On TVR 3, Russian films are broadcast every Saturday. Movies provided with the support of the Russian Cultural Center. An organization created and funded directly by the Kremlin. Also on TVR 3, within the program dedicated to ethnic Ukrainians, it was talked about joining Bucovina to Romania. The union term was not used at all.
It seems Putin is starting to play in Romania.
It seems Putin is starting to play in Romania.
joi, 23 noiembrie 2017
Now, when the Romanians on both sides of the Prut are in mourning, I think the great artist Gheorghe Urschi. A very little known actor in Romania. A genius of comedy. His words are valid for the current government in Chisinau.
luni, 20 noiembrie 2017
The comedy is over
The masquerade on the referendum on the dismissal of Chirtoaca is over. The result is clear !! Socialists lost in Chisinau. Too much money. Those millions will also be paid by people.
People have shown that I do not believe in the lies of the socialists. They're already sick of lies. Who voted? Nostalgic speakers of Russian language. Retired. The suburb, as always, saved everything. Here was a geopolitical confrontation. A confrontation from which, surprisingly, he won the Romanian language. The character of the day is Ana Nichita. The one who gave the ballot to Dodon. He had the extraordinary courage to tell Dodon that he is Romanian. . She's the character of the day. I'm sure we'll hear about it in politics. He has a lot to say.
It seems that the Socialists fail to understand that they will not have Chisinau. It would have been very serious to lose Chisinau. What will they do? I'm sure they will not stop here. But that's for our sake. It could mean the beginning of the end for PSRM.
People have shown that I do not believe in the lies of the socialists. They're already sick of lies. Who voted? Nostalgic speakers of Russian language. Retired. The suburb, as always, saved everything. Here was a geopolitical confrontation. A confrontation from which, surprisingly, he won the Romanian language. The character of the day is Ana Nichita. The one who gave the ballot to Dodon. He had the extraordinary courage to tell Dodon that he is Romanian. . She's the character of the day. I'm sure we'll hear about it in politics. He has a lot to say.
It seems that the Socialists fail to understand that they will not have Chisinau. It would have been very serious to lose Chisinau. What will they do? I'm sure they will not stop here. But that's for our sake. It could mean the beginning of the end for PSRM.
duminică, 19 noiembrie 2017
Two super bravo girls
Ana Nichita - future PL leader.
Anastasia Cojocari - future PLDM leader.
Two super bravo girls.
Anastasia Cojocari - future PLDM leader.
Two super bravo girls.
sâmbătă, 18 noiembrie 2017
If we lose Chişinău tomorrow,
If we lose Chişinău tomorrow, we lose a chance to enter history.
sâmbătă, 14 octombrie 2017
An important visit to Dodon only
Dodon is back in Russia. It's like it's a novelty! Will it be in Bucharest and Kiev when it's going to go? He and his socialists consider this to be a great victory. The news is widely publicized by the Dodon press in Chisinau.
It is a great joy for the socialists.
What is reality? The reality is that the Russian press did not even talk about it. In Russia, we know there is no independent press. That means Dodon does not matter to Putin. Putin just uses it. This visit is important only to Dodon. The truth is that nothing has changed since Dodon's visits to Moscow. The embargo was not lifted.
It is a great joy for the socialists.
What is reality? The reality is that the Russian press did not even talk about it. In Russia, we know there is no independent press. That means Dodon does not matter to Putin. Putin just uses it. This visit is important only to Dodon. The truth is that nothing has changed since Dodon's visits to Moscow. The embargo was not lifted.
sâmbătă, 7 octombrie 2017
Noi suntem români
Noi suntem români ! Din păcate noi suntem români ! Simona Halep a
devenit azi numărul 1 mondial. Sunt mândru ! Din păcate nu sunt mândru
cu unii dintre români. Am citit niște postări pe facebook de toată
jena. Scria cum că Halep ar fi făcut blat cu chinezii. Că n-a avut
concurență puternică. Voi cine sunteți mă ? De voi n-a auzit nici
dracu !!! Ce ați realizat voi mă în viață ? Nu degeaba e bancul ăla cu
românii în cazanul din iad. Mă simt mândru cu Halep, dar cu voi mi-e
scârbă !
miercuri, 4 octombrie 2017
I have learned that in life I have to wait for reward only from God.
I have learned that in life I have to wait for reward only from God. Not from people. That's because people forget the good done. With a few small exceptions. I have already experienced many disappointments in this respect. Cases of people, and from Chisinau, for whom I struggled to get better. Not only did they not thank me, they turned my back on me and they also spoke words of reproach. Many people have arrived where they came through me. The problem is they have forgotten where they left and who helped them. The better I know people, the more animals they love. But it is a Romanian proverb that says the wheel is round. I invite them to enjoy being up and thank God for showing their true hideous face.
marți, 3 octombrie 2017
Dragnea + Plahotniuc = Love
Dragnea + Plahotniuc = Love! However, Plahotniuc is guarded by bodyguards. Dragnea is guarded by the underworld. A journalist beaten by Dragnea's interlopes And is this a big boss through Parliament and the head of the PSD? If I were a PSD member, I was shaking my head in shame. I admit that a few years ago I received the proposal to enter the PSD. I have clearly said that I have withdrawn from politics.
luni, 2 octombrie 2017
In Catalonia they opened the Pandora's Box.
In Catalonia they opened the Pandora's Box. The big mistake of the European Union is that it is vehemently opposed. Why is it a mistake? Because that's what Russia benefits from. Russian propaganda will show that there is no democracy in the European Union Now what next? Scotland does not want to leave the European Union. They voted against Brexit. Germany has little trouble with Bavaria. Those from there do not want to have immigrants. Here, in Transylvania, Romania, there are some who would like to see a conflict between the Romanians and the Hungarians. We have the Republic of Moldova near us. There is a region called Gagauzia. Another troubled region.
Pandora's Box,
The real reason for Candu's visit to Bucharest
Andrian Candu visited Romania. It is a good thing. But this shows that the current government in Chisinau is playing on several heads. That's what I mean directly to Plahotniuc. He just wants to take advantage.
Candu apologized for the statements made by Dodon. This means that Plahotniuc wanted to make sure that Romania is not upset.
Why ? Because Romania has sent a lot of money to the Republic of Moldova. Perhaps Plahotniuc wants to steal money. Plahotniuc's fear is that Dodon's statements do not break his plans. That is why I say that the power in Chisinau has two. faces. One is west. The other is east.
Candu apologized for the statements made by Dodon. This means that Plahotniuc wanted to make sure that Romania is not upset.
Why ? Because Romania has sent a lot of money to the Republic of Moldova. Perhaps Plahotniuc wants to steal money. Plahotniuc's fear is that Dodon's statements do not break his plans. That is why I say that the power in Chisinau has two. faces. One is west. The other is east.
duminică, 1 octombrie 2017
Do you wonder ?
Ludovic Orban said today that the Bucharest government is trying to imitate Plahotniuc. Do you wonder? Plahotniuc, at the socialist international level, is Dragnea's superior!
A success of the Catalan
A success of the Catalan referendum would mean the possibility of repeating the scenario in Transylvania. For a year I still say that Russia is playing stronger in Romania. I was the first to say that the PSD will win the election. How did I know? I looked at the elections around Romania. Including Dodon's choice. No one believed me. No one ever believed me then. I told you before, and I told you how you can see Russia's opinion-makers. Patriarch Cyril comes next. Now is the change of the President of Romania. The truth behind the suspension attempt is that only foreign policy no longer controls them. They need a foreign policy for Moscow. A victory in Catalonia will give hope to some of Transylvania. Do not be surprised if they will also be Romanians.
marți, 26 septembrie 2017
History will judge us
What is happening now in Ukraine is absolutely horrible. Poroshenko proves to be worse for the Romanians than Yanukovych. Ukrainian nationalism is fierce. They sent thousands of Romanians to fight in the war in eastern Ukraine. Why ? Was it their war? No! Now the destruction of all minorities is being pursued. Romanians in Ukraine feel abandoned and betrayed. They are right! The political class in Bucharest is not interested in them. They, the Romanians in Ukraine, do not feel that they have a force behind them to defend them.
Today began theend of Poroshenko regime. It was the drop that filled the glass Vladimir Putin, with the help of Viktor Orban, will lead a strong international campaign. Putin has something. Russian propaganda will be very active. The European Union will no longer see Poroshenko for good. What should Romania do? Do not be silent! The problem of Romanians in Ukraine must be known, especially now, at the international level. It is particularly serious! History will judge us! I would not want them to judge us as cowards who abandon their brothers. Now, more than ever, we have to press. That's how it can not be. Romania is an example of minority rights. Including the Ukrainian minority. On the contrary, the Romanians in Ukraine were given almost all rights. What do the Romanian governors do? Looks like he does. The reactions in Bucharest are very weak. Romania should impose itself. Romania provides the cyber security of Ukraine. How do we thank them? We destroy the Romanian communities in Ukraine. This is the true face of the pro-European Poroshenk
Today began theend of Poroshenko regime. It was the drop that filled the glass Vladimir Putin, with the help of Viktor Orban, will lead a strong international campaign. Putin has something. Russian propaganda will be very active. The European Union will no longer see Poroshenko for good. What should Romania do? Do not be silent! The problem of Romanians in Ukraine must be known, especially now, at the international level. It is particularly serious! History will judge us! I would not want them to judge us as cowards who abandon their brothers. Now, more than ever, we have to press. That's how it can not be. Romania is an example of minority rights. Including the Ukrainian minority. On the contrary, the Romanians in Ukraine were given almost all rights. What do the Romanian governors do? Looks like he does. The reactions in Bucharest are very weak. Romania should impose itself. Romania provides the cyber security of Ukraine. How do we thank them? We destroy the Romanian communities in Ukraine. This is the true face of the pro-European Poroshenk
luni, 25 septembrie 2017
When will the Third World War begin?
When will the Third World War begin? Months, weeks, hours?
When will the Third World War begin? Months
Who else do they trick?
It seems that the socialists have many naïve sympathizers. People who still believe that Igor Dodon is a good boy. He called people in the street to protest against the government. It seems that Chisinau is trying to change power through riots. Here I am not talking about DA Platform protests. I refer to PSRM sympathizers. Threat with a new conflict on the Dniester. Which is unlikely to be anymore. That's because it would be too close to the NATO and EU borders.
Russia would not agree a military conflict here. He would lose. Russia is more focused on North Korea. Playing globally.
The reality about the protests is that Dodon wants to remove the DA Platform. He is a fake anti-Plahotniuc fighter. He wants to demigrate this fight. Dodon is nothing more than a puppet of Plahotniuc. Marian Lupu was withdrawn from the race in favor of Dodon. Plahotniuc invented a false opposition to replace the true opposition.
Russia would not agree a military conflict here. He would lose. Russia is more focused on North Korea. Playing globally.
The reality about the protests is that Dodon wants to remove the DA Platform. He is a fake anti-Plahotniuc fighter. He wants to demigrate this fight. Dodon is nothing more than a puppet of Plahotniuc. Marian Lupu was withdrawn from the race in favor of Dodon. Plahotniuc invented a false opposition to replace the true opposition.
sâmbătă, 23 septembrie 2017
Is this an idiot?
I hear that Dodon's supporters are protesting tomorrow. Is this an idiot? He probably wants a bit of a conflict. He would have a pretext to call on the Dniester boys for help.
People say I eat too many sweets and it's not good.
People say I eat too many sweets and it's not good. That's how my life is soothing. At the age of 31, as many as a couple of weeks. my life is pretty bitter I sweeten my life with chocolate. I can not. I can not afford to make my life with a girl. For a girl, hundreds of euros are needed.
Wedding in Bessarabia
"Wedding in Bessarabia" is the only Romanian film that I enjoy with great pleasure. That's because it's an excellent film for the connoisseurs of the situation in Chisinau. This movie also brought me a prize. I
have a vague impression that this prize is on the list of many awards I
forgot to raise. I also wanted to make a wedding in Bessarabia. But I've already taken my thoughts. Now I only think about promoting my opinions.
marți, 19 septembrie 2017
Would that be a solution?
Solving the Transnistrian conflict is a serious problem for the Republic of Moldova. An issue that does not seem to be solved. Transnistria is in an increasingly strong crisis. Russia has no money to give. Russia has no money for it either. But he does not even want to give up this piece of land. It's a strategic area. It can bother Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.
Igor Dodon proposes, as a solution, that the Transnistrian region be given to Ukraine. It could be a solution to the conflict.But it would be better to exchange territories. Ukraine to exchange Bugeac.The problem is that Ukraine will not accept Dodon's proposal. Why ?That would mean that there will be more Russian troops on its territory. Let's not forget that Ukraine is at war with Russia. Another problem is the Novorusia project. We risk not being awake with a Novorusie that includes the Republic of Moldova. To conquer the whole eastern part of Ukraine. To reach the Dniester, by giving Transnistria to Ukraine, then to conquer the Republic of Moldova and reach the mouth of the Danube.
That is why Dodon's solution will not be achieved.
Igor Dodon proposes, as a solution, that the Transnistrian region be given to Ukraine. It could be a solution to the conflict.But it would be better to exchange territories. Ukraine to exchange Bugeac.The problem is that Ukraine will not accept Dodon's proposal. Why ?That would mean that there will be more Russian troops on its territory. Let's not forget that Ukraine is at war with Russia. Another problem is the Novorusia project. We risk not being awake with a Novorusie that includes the Republic of Moldova. To conquer the whole eastern part of Ukraine. To reach the Dniester, by giving Transnistria to Ukraine, then to conquer the Republic of Moldova and reach the mouth of the Danube.
That is why Dodon's solution will not be achieved.
If Poroshenko signs the law
If Poroshenko signs the law, it will be his political end and will shake the Ukrainian state. Vladimir Putin will not be silent.
marți, 12 septembrie 2017
Ukraine is sometimes worse than Russia.
Ukraine is sometimes worse than Russia. As for Ukraine, we, the Romanians and the Hungarians, have to give our hand.
luni, 11 septembrie 2017
vineri, 1 septembrie 2017
Odorheiu Secuiesc में संघर्ष मुझे लगता है सफेद धागे के साथ सिलना जा करने के लिए
ओडोरिउ सेक्विइस्क में संघर्ष मुझे लगता है कि सफेद धागे के साथ सीवेन किया जाएगा। कोई कई तरीकों से हिट करना चाहता है हम, रोमानियन और हंगरीज, हमें बहुत अच्छी तरह समझते हैं हम प्रत्येक के पास हमारे अतिवादी हैं कोई सूखा वन नहीं है रोमानियाई भाषा के दिन ऐसा क्यों हुआ? मुझे फिल्म के बारे में बहुत बड़ा संदेह है किसी ऐसे संघर्ष को उत्तेजित करना चाहते हैं, जैसे कि 1 99 0 में टरगु मूरस में। हमें यही जरूरी था! मैं ईमानदारी से कहता हूं कि जब मैंने रोमानियाई लोगों को हंगरी के लोगों को चुनौती दी थी, तब मैंने उन क्षणों को देखा है। मैं केवल एक के बारे में बात कर सकता हूँ बाकी के बारे में मैं आपको कुछ वर्षों में बता सकता हूं। यह कहाँ हुआ? कौफलैंड में! यह बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों और सोरोस के साथ उन्माद का हिस्सा है PSD उन्माद अब मैं कुछ लोगों को इन दुकानों के बहिष्कार के बारे में चिल्ला रही हूं। कौफलैंड ने नौकरियों को बनाया और बनाया है क्या आप पूरी तरह मन में हैं? इसका मतलब हजारों कर्मचारियों के लिए बेरोजगारी होगी वे विदेश जायेंगे ऐसा लगता है कि रोमानियनों में छत है मैंने
एक संसद में देखा है, जो यह नहीं जानता कि यह कैसे होता है कि वह हमेशा
स्पुतनिक पोर्टल पर प्रकट होते हैं, उन्होंने अमेरिकी राजदूत को निष्कासन
की मांग की है। ड्रैगनिया उसे आलोचना करने के लिए बाहर नहीं आया क्या मैं समझता हूं कि वे राजदूत कुज्मीन से प्यार करते हैं? बैंकों पर हमले का उल्लेख नहीं करने के लिए पेंशन का भुगतान बैंक ऋण से किया जाता है यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि क्या नवंबर के बाद से कोई पेंशन पैसा होगा। कि कुछ कुछ स्वास्थ्य पैसे के अरबों चोरी करते हैं। हम यह नहीं भूलते हैं कि आरटीआर रोमानिया चैनल के उद्घाटन पर चर्चा की जा रही है। यहां पूर्व से एक हवा है हम इसे गुप्त कहते हैं मुझे उसके देश में कुछ डाल दिया।
The conflict in Odorheiu Secuiesc seems to me to be sewn with white thread
The conflict in Odorheiu Secuiesc seems to me to be sewn with white thread. Someone wants to hit in several ways. We, the Romanians and the Hungarians, understand us very well. We each have our extremists. There is no dry forest. Why did this happen just on the Day of Romanian Language? I have big doubts about the movie. Someone wants to provoke a conflict like that in Târgu Mureş in 1990. That was what we needed! I sincerely say that I have witnessed the moments when the Romanians challenged the Hungarians. I can only talk about one. About the rest I can tell you in a few years. Where did this happen? In Kaufland! This is part of the hysteria with multinationals and Soros. PSD hysteria. Now I see some people screaming about the boycott of these stores. Kaufland has created and created jobs. Are you whole in mind? That would mean unemployment for thousands of employees. They will go abroad. It seems to have been the roof in the Romanians. I
have seen one in Parliament, who does not know how it happens that he
always appears on the Sputnik portal, that he has demanded the expulsion
of the American ambassador. Dragnea did not come out to criticize him. Do I understand that they love Ambassador Kuzmin? Not to mention the attack on the banks. Pensions are paid out of bank loansIt is unclear whether there will be any pension money since November. That while some steal billions of health money. Let's not forget that the opening of the RTR Romania channel is being discussed. Here is a wind from the east. We call it the cryptic. Let me put something in her country.
luni, 28 august 2017
False struggle against Russian propaganda.
A struggle against Russian propaganda is simulated in Chisinau. The simulation is done, of course, by Vlad Plahotniuc. That's because one of the stations belonging to Plahotniuc, is relaying an important channel from Moscow.
Russian propaganda is growing stronger in Chisinau. Realitatea TV Moldova, no connection with the Romanian post, was bought by Igor Dodon. That means socialists still have a TV station. Accent TV, NTV Moldova and TNT were not enough. Of course, everything was done with Plahotniuc's consent. So the theater of struggle against propaganda is a joke.
And, to be complete, the Independence Day concerts Polina Gagarina. I'm not saying he's not talented. But now she was not supposed to sing. Unless it was wanted to give a sign by the current government. A sign that they will take her to the sunrise.
sâmbătă, 26 august 2017
Who are the friends of the Republic of Moldova?
Igor Dodon says friends are Russia and Turkey. I would not want to have such friends.
Why ? In Turkey, it is a dictatorial regime. Every civilized person is scared of what Erdogan does.
NATO no longer has confidence in Turkey. NATO bases are no longer safe. How can someone who is attacking you be called a friend? The Russian army has been stationed on the Dniester since 1992. Initially they launched the Dniester War. Then came the "peace". Are they friends? "Friends" Dodon have killed Vadim Pisari.
That is when Romania has repaired schools and kindergartens. He donated hundreds of minibuses to schools. Some have been used to transport people to various events organized by the socialists.
Much of Moldovan products are sold in the European Union. In Romania's supermarkets and supermarkets you can find many products from the Republic of Moldova. Especially fruits, candies and wines.
America and the European Union have invested heavily in road repairs. One of the most invested areas is Gagauzia. That's where Dodon made that statement.
I heard that Turkey wants to repair the Presidential Palace, devastated in 2009. This is not an investment for the people. It's for Dodon's welfare.
Tomorrow is the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova.
Tomorrow is the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova. Theoretically, I should congratulate you. I will not do it basically. It is as if you were amputating a man's hand and then saying that that hand is a human body. But that hand does not even have your shoulder and fingers. Those were given to another body.
Is the Republic of Moldova an independent state? We have the Russian army present for over 20 years. We have couple Plaha-Dodo in power. That until Plaha gets rid of Dodo. Russian propaganda flourishes in the Republic of Moldova. We have more and more Russian televisions. Moldova does not want to get rid of Russian gas. The electric current comes from the Cuciurgan plant. Central office located in the territory controlled by the so-called authorities in Tiraspol. That's because the puppeteer has interests there So what independence?
Is the Republic of Moldova an independent state? We have the Russian army present for over 20 years. We have couple Plaha-Dodo in power. That until Plaha gets rid of Dodo. Russian propaganda flourishes in the Republic of Moldova. We have more and more Russian televisions. Moldova does not want to get rid of Russian gas. The electric current comes from the Cuciurgan plant. Central office located in the territory controlled by the so-called authorities in Tiraspol. That's because the puppeteer has interests there So what independence?
joi, 24 august 2017
Dear Dodon
Dear Dodon, in your bath, when you sit on the toilet, you can sing anything !! But not in the Great National Assembly Square. Where is the opposition? Why do not Maia Sandu and Andrei Nastase react? Where are the unionists? Why do not they react?
miercuri, 23 august 2017
SMURD helicopters
SMURD helicopters save lives in the Republic of Moldova. Did you know, Mr. Dodon, that those helicopters come from Romania? Not from Russia or Turkey
Mr. Dodon,
SMURD helicopters save lives in the Republic of Moldova. Did you know,
that those helicopters come from Romania? Not from Russia or Turkey
luni, 21 august 2017
Independence or dependency?
Independence or dependency?
Within a few days the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova is celebrated. A state which, despite being independent, is increasingly dependent on Russia. They even chose a pro-Russian president. Theoretically they chose him. She actually chose Plahotniuc.
The problem is that they can lose all they have gained during the national rebirth. It is now being discussed to return to the Cyrillic script. An important role in this issue is played by the famous Vasile Stati.
That's how common people suffer more and more. I read recently that more and more people go abroad and give up the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova. This should worry the Chişinău governors. The Republic of Moldova runs the risk of remaining a state without citizens.
Nobody talks about the recovery of the billion. Some want to warm up the Transnistrian conflict. We have an increasingly active Gagauzia. Dodon will go to celebrate the day the Republic of Gagauzia was founded. A former unrecognized republic. Predator of ATU Gagauzia.
People who are left are becoming more and more sad. Some are nostalgic after the USSR.
The young man wants to leave as soon as possible. Governance no longer speaks about European integration. Fighting corruption is just a mockery. Under this umbrella are all those who are Plahotniuc's opponents removed from the political scene. Or those whom Plahotniuc no longer needs.
The presence of Romania, apart from the repairs of schools and kindergartens, is non-existent.
It is said that the Republic of Moldova is an independent state. But over 80% of the press is Russian. The Metropolitan Church of Chisinau and of Moldova belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch of Russia goes when he wants to Chisinau. When will Patriarch Daniel go?
It would be a strong sign for the Romanians there.
I do not even want to talk about gas and electricity. The Moldovan language fiction is haunting the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.
There are resuming the theses on creating a separate story. Dodon is struggling more and more aggressively for the creation of a large Moldavia. That means breaking off territories from Ukraine and Romania.
All this happens to the detriment of an increasingly impoverished and hopeless population.
duminică, 20 august 2017
I prefer to die honestly
We are talking to a friend today about Moldova. I explain to him how things work there. We talked about Dodon and Plahotniuc. My friend asked me why I'm not going to work for Plahotniuc. A lot of people have suggested that it would be good if I worked for Plahotniuc. At least not to criticize him. Please forgive me ! I apologize for being honest in this world where everyone wants to steal. I prefer to die honestly. I can not work for such an individual. But everyone has free will and does what he wants.
3 days I was at a great congress.
3 days I was at a great congress. During yesterday, there was also talk of preventing rape. It was said that the best way is wearing decent clothes. That's how it is ! When you see some girls walking on the street. They have some clothes so you can see their intimate linen. That's if she's wearing intimate lingerie. Then they scream that they were raped
sâmbătă, 19 august 2017
Republic of Moldova S.R.L
The President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, signs to transform the country into a SRl. Of course he does so with the approval of Vlad Plahotniuc.
I saw how the presidential administration's headquarters are used to promote the foundation created by his wife. It is very good that the first lady is involved in social projects. A gesture worth welcoming.
But he could very well do it from another building.
Now he wants to hold a concert dedicated to the Soviet occupants. The concert will take place in the Great National Assembly Square. The place where Independence was proclaimed in 1991. Independence from the USSR.
Who have holiday motives? Basarabian Romanians do not. Let us remember the waves of deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina.
There are only reasons for those who came on tanks and mangroves. Those who support the existence of the Moldovan language.
I saw how the presidential administration's headquarters are used to promote the foundation created by his wife. It is very good that the first lady is involved in social projects. A gesture worth welcoming.
But he could very well do it from another building.
Now he wants to hold a concert dedicated to the Soviet occupants. The concert will take place in the Great National Assembly Square. The place where Independence was proclaimed in 1991. Independence from the USSR.
Who have holiday motives? Basarabian Romanians do not. Let us remember the waves of deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina.
There are only reasons for those who came on tanks and mangroves. Those who support the existence of the Moldovan language.
joi, 17 august 2017
A woman committed suicide with her three childrens.
A woman committed suicide with her three childrens. As well as living in Romania, I believe that mass emigration or mass suicide is the only solution.
A woman committed suicide with her three children. As well as living in Romania,
I believe that mass emigration or mass suicide is the only solution.
I have learned that Romania's external debt is alarming.
I have learned that Romania's external debt is alarming. I was born in 1986. I know how it was when the external debt was paid. Ceausescu, as he was, left us with external debt ZERO !!!!! We had a chance to be a rich country. Unfortunately, in 1990, we chose one who smiled nicely. We did not like Ratiu because he did not eat soy salami like us. Neither Coposu nor Campeanu. I have learned that the Vrancea seismic area is becoming more and more active. Dear Governors, I wish the great earthquake to come as soon as possible and catch you all in the meeting. Maybe the building breaks down on you and we are happy too.
miercuri, 16 august 2017
I am a great old man.
I am a great old man. Why ? A bookstore opened in town a few days ago. They call it a bookstore. I would just tell him the store. I went in and see what they got. Just school supplies. No books or CDs. I went to a supermarket in Săcele. There, on a shelf, there were some books. Great wonder! People did not even look at books. Next to me were some school-age children with their mother. I, like a fool of what I am, I was browsing a few books. Children were praying for their mother to buy them, I do not know what computer helmets. That's to hear better when playing a game. So I came to the sad conclusion that the Romanian is no longer reading. The Romanian has become a species that believes everything is told on television or on the internet. The brain has become a luxury item for us. We keep it like a bibel. How did we keep the bibles during Ceausescu's time. It is talked about the opening of a Russian television in Romania. I am afraid that Russian propaganda will have a fulminating success in Romania.
luni, 14 august 2017
Racism is evil
Mr Trump, stop racism! America is the land of all possibilities. Everyone has the right to live. The color of the skin does not matter. Black people are wonderful. I love them. Racism is bad for everyone. I want a planet that all people can live on. Regardless of ethnicity, race, language, skin color. I want a happy planet. America is the country that is an example for the whole planet. STOP RACISM !!!!
Mr Trump,
racism isRegardless of ethnicity,
skin color. evil,
stop racism!
At the end time
"At the end time, fornication will be on the high road, on the big day without any shame; Girls will have services to raise their feet for their bosses; There will be tears in all homes and worries for work, "says Father Argata
Who has the courage to contradict this priest? Great righteousness has! We see that we are living those times. That's exactly what the girls do.
Who has the courage to contradict this priest? Great righteousness has! We see that we are living those times. That's exactly what the girls do.
sâmbătă, 12 august 2017
Bana her şeyi söylediğim tek arkadaşım ve bana
Bana her şeyi söylediğim tek arkadaşım ve bana ihanet etmeyeceğine eminim ki Allah'tır. Sadece herkesin ve ailenin sevgisine inanıyorum. Gerisi finansal çıkar. Kız para kazanmak için bir çıkmaza girer. Kızlar adamın parasını çok seviyorlar..
her şeyi,
ki Allah'tır,
ve bana
vineri, 11 august 2017
The world has serious problems
The world has serious problems. Two fools threaten each other with the nuclear war. If China intervenes, then it will be the Third World War. Romanian seismologists are alert. Vrancea can produce an earthquake of over 8 on the Richter scale. That while some continue to make crises on the Trianon theme. Awakening !! Do you think I'm going to sit down thinking about your crap when the nuclear war begins or when there's an earthquake?
The world has serious problems. Two fools threaten each other with the nuclear war. If China intervenes,
then it will be the Third World War.
joi, 10 august 2017
I ask for your help
I ask for your help. I want to publish my editorials in the United States. I've sent a lot of publications. Nothing! Who can help me ? I want something serious! That somebody else has been lying to help me and has done nothing. He just boasted.
The issue of a new conflict on the Dniester - Between reality and media manipulation.
Several days ago, a news stating that it would be a military challenge on August 5. In fact, nothing happened.
We, worldwide, are in a war of manipulation and false news. A psychological warfare. Everyone can fall victim to this war.
In this case, the agencies, press trusts and absolutely respectable portals fell victim.
But I do not exclude that this false news was aimed at testing or training the population at the mental level.
But what is the real situation? The head of state, who is also the supreme commander, is not in the country. Someone or something keeps him longer with holidays. The problem is that anyway Dodon would not give a warrant against the Russians. Defense Minister does not exist. Anatol Shalaru was dismissed a few months ago. They did not find a replacement. This is worse than in 1992. At least then they had a minister. The army would be clearly destabilized.
Dodon's socialists scream, in Parliament and on TV, against Romania. The problem is that he screams with his Romanian passport in his pocket. No socialist, of those with a Romanian passport, does not give up. Why ? Because they want to live well. To go on holidays in the European Union. But I lie to people and tell them what a good Customs Union is.
The geographical proximity of Romania is a great luck for them.For all the inhabitants of the Republic of Moldova. This is because Romania is a member of the EU and NATO. Russia does not allow itself at the NATO border.
Because if, by mistake. Romania is attacked, this would mean activating Article 5
We have all seen what Donald Trump has just told a TVR journalist.
Plus, let's not forget that behind Transnistria is Ukraine. Russia would not have a military supply path
We, worldwide, are in a war of manipulation and false news. A psychological warfare. Everyone can fall victim to this war.
In this case, the agencies, press trusts and absolutely respectable portals fell victim.
But I do not exclude that this false news was aimed at testing or training the population at the mental level.
But what is the real situation? The head of state, who is also the supreme commander, is not in the country. Someone or something keeps him longer with holidays. The problem is that anyway Dodon would not give a warrant against the Russians. Defense Minister does not exist. Anatol Shalaru was dismissed a few months ago. They did not find a replacement. This is worse than in 1992. At least then they had a minister. The army would be clearly destabilized.
Dodon's socialists scream, in Parliament and on TV, against Romania. The problem is that he screams with his Romanian passport in his pocket. No socialist, of those with a Romanian passport, does not give up. Why ? Because they want to live well. To go on holidays in the European Union. But I lie to people and tell them what a good Customs Union is.
The geographical proximity of Romania is a great luck for them.For all the inhabitants of the Republic of Moldova. This is because Romania is a member of the EU and NATO. Russia does not allow itself at the NATO border.
Because if, by mistake. Romania is attacked, this would mean activating Article 5
We have all seen what Donald Trump has just told a TVR journalist.
Plus, let's not forget that behind Transnistria is Ukraine. Russia would not have a military supply path
marți, 8 august 2017
The phenomenon of false news and the relations between the two Prut banks.
This phenomenon of false news encompassed the entire world. There is no country that is not invaded. Romania and the Republic of Moldova are two targets of false news. Here is a big problem.
Why ? We in Romania have little access to information beyond the Prut. There is another issue in Chisinau. We're talking about Russian propaganda.
Unfortunately, because we do not have much access to the information beyond the Prut. The false news is very fast to us.
Interestingly, sites with fake news have names and Internet domains similar to those of newspapers and television close to the opposition in the Republic of Moldova. Which makes me think that behind these sites would someone in power. You probably know who I'm thinking.
An impatient news to many people. . There it was said that at Vama Palanca there were found in a minibus 12 children who were taken for organ trafficking in Romania. Everyone started commenting. In reality, we are talking about a fake news. This false news appeared on a false news portal. A portal with a name similar to that of Jurnal TV.
Let me not talk about the case when TVR Moldova was involved. In fact, Traian Basescu has never been to TVR Moldova.
The serious problem is that, in the absence of reliable information and sources of information from Chisinau, those in Romania will believe that news is true.
Why ? We in Romania have little access to information beyond the Prut. There is another issue in Chisinau. We're talking about Russian propaganda.
Unfortunately, because we do not have much access to the information beyond the Prut. The false news is very fast to us.
Interestingly, sites with fake news have names and Internet domains similar to those of newspapers and television close to the opposition in the Republic of Moldova. Which makes me think that behind these sites would someone in power. You probably know who I'm thinking.
An impatient news to many people. . There it was said that at Vama Palanca there were found in a minibus 12 children who were taken for organ trafficking in Romania. Everyone started commenting. In reality, we are talking about a fake news. This false news appeared on a false news portal. A portal with a name similar to that of Jurnal TV.
Let me not talk about the case when TVR Moldova was involved. In fact, Traian Basescu has never been to TVR Moldova.
The serious problem is that, in the absence of reliable information and sources of information from Chisinau, those in Romania will believe that news is true.
luni, 7 august 2017
BREAKING NEWS !! Transylvania declared war to China.
Transylvania, a small country in Europe, declared war to China. Ivan Sminov, president of Transylvania, said the Transylvanian army it is capable of fighting against China. The President of Transylvania is sure their army will defeat China. The reason for this war is the invasion of Chinese products that have destroyed the local economy. We do not know if Transylvania has nuclear missiles.
breaking news,
nuclear missiles.,
duminică, 6 august 2017
We live in a fake world
Do you wonder that there are fake news? We live in a fake world. Smiles are fake . People are fake. In front they seem to be good people. In the back I rob you. Girls are fake. They are beautiful dolls with a kilogram of creams, lipsticks and mascara. Food is fake . Full of chemicals that kill us. The air is fake. We breathe polluted air. Feelings are fake.
This world is so fake that we can no longer figure out what's really true. Is there anything else true?
This world is so fake that we can no longer figure out what's really true. Is there anything else true?
Unionists did not have access to the Marasesti ceremony.
Unionists did not have access to the Marasesti ceremony. However, it falls within the historical period of the Great Union. Instead, I saw Russian Ambassador Valery Kuzmin, defiantly wearing St. George's ribbon. This is Romania !
Love does not have nationality and ethnicity.
I see that many are now cursing Kelemen Hunor. Some thought I thought. Looks like I'm not. Do you know what the problem is? Kelemen Hunor is right. The Ungars do not even have celebrate reasons. The more serious problem is that we, too, have no reason to celebrate. Hungary is full of highways. Those leading to Romania end in ....... field. That's because the Romanians did not continue. No one understood that Kelemen Hunor also hit Hungarian nationalism. There when he spoke about the Romanianization of the Hungarians. Scarecrow with the Hungarians is a good joke. For centuries, Romanians and Hungarians have lived together. I know a lot of cases of mixed marriages. Love does not have nationality and ethnicity. A few days ago, a lamp was lit in my house. I called my neighbor to repair my lamp. All my neighbors are Hungarian. Do you think I'm interested? Of course not ! My neighbors, when they had a wedding, called my father, God forgive him! , To stay watch until they return home. Why did they call him? Because they knew he was an honest man and not stealing. It did not matter that he was Romanian.Why do not we have celebrate reasons? Because a large part of the territories that then formed Great Romania, we no longer belong to us.Please be nice to watch Hungarian TV stations. They take care of the Hungarian communities around Hungary. Good for them !TVR, with the exception of the Republic of Moldova, speaks little about the other Romanian communities around Romania.Let
me not talk about the case of a renowned Romanian doctor in Cluj, who
was forced to retire, although he does not have a substitute right now. That Romanian doctor is now working for the Hungarian government. I'm stopping here. I'd have more to say. I wait your swearing. Now, Orban is sure to pay me, that Plahotniuc and Soros have paid me enough.
About Centenary
It does not hurt me that Viktor Orban is campaigning against the Centenary. Viktor Orban is a powerful leader and experienced politician. It hurts me that the institutions of the Romanian state are striking at the Centenary. The newest example is TVR. Public television, which lives on our money, strikes in the Centenary. They think I'm doing okay. But they do a great deal of harm. Why ? They started a centenary campaign. A truncated campaign from the beginning. They talk about the Great Union, but they present the map of Romania now. It does not present the map of Romania. Show some cities in Romania. Absolutely nothing about Chişinău and Cernăuţi. We have to remember that the first province that united with the mother country was Bessarabia. The council of the country - March 27, 1918. Bucovina followed. The Centenary of the Great Union can not exist without Chisinau and Chernivtsi. If we Romanians do such fools, it means we deserve our fate.
. The Centenary of the Great Union can not exist without Chisinau and Chernivtsi. If we Romanians do such fools,
it means we deserve our fate.
I see Americans begin to comment and share what I write
I see Americans begin to comment and share what I write. This sounds good ! Maybe I'm going to be a star in America.
sâmbătă, 5 august 2017
But the Constitution does not defy anyone?
I read today that Dodon defies the Constitution and posts communiques only in Russian. This is a very serious thing. But the Constitution does not defy anyone? Sure ! The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova defies historical truth. There is still the Soviet fantasy called the Moldovan language. This is Article 13. This article, even if it was a pro-European government, has not been changed. That's because they're afraid of everything Romanian is.
Rogozin and Dodon
Two pigs Rogozin and Dodon met in Tehran. How did they get it? I know the people in Iran do not eat pigs.
My blog is getting more and more accessed in the United States
My blog is getting more and more accessed in the United States !!! Maybe I get to know America and find an opportunity to leave Romania. Maybe I will be a star. That's what I want! Fame, fame, fame, fame.
miercuri, 2 august 2017
Mircea Lucescu is the new coach of the national team
Mircea Lucescu is the new coach of the national team. Stay! Do not enjoy! He is the new coach of the Turkish national. That's because we're a shit country! We had to bring a selector who was unemployed for a few years. That while Mircea Lucescu is sought internationally.
We could not bring him a selector. He was our last chance. It seems to be something in our people's DNA. We can not respect our values. Enescu and Caragiale died abroad. This country, called Romania, goes from worse to worse. The only chance for a Romanian is to go abroad and get the hell out of here. I think only extraterrestrial (extraterrestrial) force can change the mentality of this people that seems to be doomed.
We could not bring him a selector. He was our last chance. It seems to be something in our people's DNA. We can not respect our values. Enescu and Caragiale died abroad. This country, called Romania, goes from worse to worse. The only chance for a Romanian is to go abroad and get the hell out of here. I think only extraterrestrial (extraterrestrial) force can change the mentality of this people that seems to be doomed.
My editors only appear in the press in Chisinau
My editors only appear in the press in Chisinau. Unfortunately, the Romanian press is not interested in this topic. Very rarely appear on the Arad racquet. Otherwise I do not have access. Why am I sorry? Because strange things happen in Chisinau. Romania, here I refer especially to the population, it may awaken with a situation that it does not know. A situation where Romanians will be involved.
There are very few people who know and can explain what is happening in the Republic of Moldova. The only names that come to my mind are Dan Dungaciu and Iulian Chifu. These people are real specialists. I am not and I do not claim to be a specialist. I'm just a man who knows a little better than the rest of the situation in the area. The problem is that my opinions do not appear in the Romanian press. This is the problem. The population in Romania must be prepared.
There are very few people who know and can explain what is happening in the Republic of Moldova. The only names that come to my mind are Dan Dungaciu and Iulian Chifu. These people are real specialists. I am not and I do not claim to be a specialist. I'm just a man who knows a little better than the rest of the situation in the area. The problem is that my opinions do not appear in the Romanian press. This is the problem. The population in Romania must be prepared.
here I refer especially to the population,
it may awaken with a situation that it does not know. A situation where Romanians will be involved.,
Dmitri Rogozin was declared non-grata person in the Republic of Moldova.
Dmitri Rogozin was declared non-grata person in the Republic of Moldova. We should expect a strong response. My opinion is that there will be military challenges on the Dniester.
I'm writing English only
I'm writing English only. Why ? Because I want my opinions to be internationally known. I do not have a big blog traffic. I want fame, fame, fame, fame. That's money. To have any girl I want. Because with the girls I've already convinced how it works. You can comment on what you want With these girls on both sides of the Prut I have already convinced. Nobody and nothing can change my mind. All of them are the same.
I do not want to scare you
I do not want to scare you, but I think there will be a big earthquake in Romania.
What's wrong with Dodon?
Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova, is a promoter of integration into the Eurasian Union. But do not do it as intensely.
It gives clear signs of weakness. It is no longer as aggressive against the European Union.
There is no talk of breaking the Association Agreement with the European Union. Why ? I think Dodon is beginning to realize that Russia has no more money. Russia is in crisis.
The main economic partner of the Republic of Moldova is the European Union. More specifically, it is about Romania. Did Russia repair schools and kindergartens? No!
This reminds me of Vladimir Voronin A few years ago, Vladimir Voronin threatened to make a revolution against integration into the European Union. After holding a discussion with Rogozin, Voronin nuanced his speech until he became pro-European
We should not be surprised if Dodon will change his speech Let's not wonder if we see a Dodon who supports EU integration.
It gives clear signs of weakness. It is no longer as aggressive against the European Union.
There is no talk of breaking the Association Agreement with the European Union. Why ? I think Dodon is beginning to realize that Russia has no more money. Russia is in crisis.
The main economic partner of the Republic of Moldova is the European Union. More specifically, it is about Romania. Did Russia repair schools and kindergartens? No!
This reminds me of Vladimir Voronin A few years ago, Vladimir Voronin threatened to make a revolution against integration into the European Union. After holding a discussion with Rogozin, Voronin nuanced his speech until he became pro-European
We should not be surprised if Dodon will change his speech Let's not wonder if we see a Dodon who supports EU integration.
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